Immigrants all! – Elin Spring über „Legacy. Migration. Memory“ im Griffin Museum of Photography

Elin Spring auf ihrem Blog What will you remember?  (01.02.2017):

In her series The Sea Remembers, Berlin artist Rosemarie Zens mines the story of her mother’s escape from war in March 1945 while carrying her nursing infant (the artist) in a saga her mother only unburdened many decades later as the Berlin Wall fell. Using antique family photographs as a touchstone, Zens returns to a birthplace she never knew, drawing upon “the existential properties of landscapes” to weave reality and fantasy into oblique and poetic images that transmit the sensation of waking from a dream. Zens’ large color landscapes of her Polish birthplace are highly metaphoric, often capturing a frosty and inhospitable winter that weeps “exile”…  weiterlesen (externer Link)

02. Februar 2017